The Salisbury Garden Club

The SGC is fortunate to have over 100 talented active and associate members who work together, growing our organization and serving the community.
The club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs (VFGC), the Piedmont District of VFGC, and the Richmond Council of Garden Clubs
Monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, September through April, at Manakin Episcopal Church, 985 Huguenot Trail, Midlothian, Virginia 23113. Coffee and Refreshments at 9:30 with meetings starting promptly at 10:00. Meetings include a short social time, business meeting and presentation or demonstration on gardening, horticulture or floral design. We invite you to browse our website and pictures to see all the FUN we have while providing service to the community!
Visitors are always welcome!
Please contact Becky Sido or Peggy Young for information about becoming a member of The Salisbury Garden Club.