SHOA Covenants & Restrictions
The Covenants and Restrictions (C&Rs) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the community as a non-profit corporation. The C&Rs were recorded by the County recorder's office of the County in which the property is located and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the C&Rs may result in action being taken by the Association.
Restrictions give Salisbury a more standard appearance and controls some of the activities that take place within our boundaries. When enforced, covenants protect everyones' property values. In simplified and no uncertain terms, this is a statement concerning Salisbury’s Mandatory Covenants & Restrictions and our Voluntary HOA:
- Salisbury was established with MANDATORY Covenants.
- You agree to adhere to these Covenants when you purchase your home.
- You may not choose whether you adhere to your Covenants & Restrictions.
- Section D Covenants are included in the front section of the annual Salisbury Neighborhood Directory which every household receives each year.
- You can contact SHOA to get a copy of the covenants filed for your property.
- Membership in Salisbury Homeowners Association (payment of your annual SHOA dues of $125/year) is VOLUNTARY.
- You may choose whether to be a member of SHOA, and support our community.
- Payment of annual dues to SHOA has zero influence upon whether or not you adhere to the Covenants associated with your residence. Regardless of your participation in SHOA, you must adhere to the Covenants.
A Brief History of Salisbury's Covenants & Restrictions:
When the Salisbury Corporation was first developing the neighborhood, covenants were assigned to each property or section as it was being developed. Each separate covenant had a 25-year life and a 10-year amendment/updating period. As the Salisbury Corporation stepped aside from managing the neighborhood, SHOA took over managing the covenants updating process in 1993.
Upon takeover, it made more sense to adopt a universal set of Covenants and Restrictions, one that would unify the neighborhood. Thus, a special SHOA committee was formed to oversee the preparation of the "new" covenants by legal counsel and to start the updating process with Section C and Section D. Section D was the first section to accept the "new" covenants in 2001, thus setting the standard for all renewals, i.e.: all subsequent renewals would essentially accept the covenants first accepted by Section D. Not all homeowners in Section C accepted new covenants before expiration.
Over the past 20+ years, sections were renewed under the universal Section D Covenants, as they reached the renewal window. To date, 44 Sections of Salisbury have been updated; approximately 1200 of our 1600 properties are now under the "new" Section D covenants. There are currently three sections in their renewal period; these are Falkirk 1; Falkirk 2; and Hatfield 5. The remaining sections will enter their respective 10-year updating periods between 2026-2038.
Upon takeover, it made more sense to adopt a universal set of Covenants and Restrictions, one that would unify the neighborhood. Thus, a special SHOA committee was formed to oversee the preparation of the "new" covenants by legal counsel and to start the updating process with Section C and Section D. Section D was the first section to accept the "new" covenants in 2001, thus setting the standard for all renewals, i.e.: all subsequent renewals would essentially accept the covenants first accepted by Section D. Not all homeowners in Section C accepted new covenants before expiration.
Over the past 20+ years, sections were renewed under the universal Section D Covenants, as they reached the renewal window. To date, 44 Sections of Salisbury have been updated; approximately 1200 of our 1600 properties are now under the "new" Section D covenants. There are currently three sections in their renewal period; these are Falkirk 1; Falkirk 2; and Hatfield 5. The remaining sections will enter their respective 10-year updating periods between 2026-2038.
Over 75% of Salisbury residents are beheld to Section D Covenants and Restrictions. Please click here for a map of all homes that are currently under Section D Covenants. For the remainder of homeowners, SHOA is working to group your respective residence with others according to the Covenants and Restrictions which are associated with your street address. This process will take some time, please be patient. If you are unsure as to which C&Rs are associated with your residence, please contact SHOA.
Information about the sections currently in the updating period is available on the Covenants Updating page.