Episcopal Church of the Redeemer

Almost 63 years old, Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, sits at the center of Salisbury. The Church grounds and facilities also host Redeemer Episcopal Day School and Wishing Well Park. To learn more about the church, please visit their website or click on the logo. Below is a message from a congregant of Redeemer Episcopal Church.
"You are beloved. This is the core message of Christianity. It's also the core message of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, located at the intersection of Winterfield and Salisbury Roads. Our mission is to be a sacred community centered on the love of Christ. Our church is intergenerational, inclusive, and fun--with respected elders, growing families, single folks, LGBTQ folks, empty nesters, and little children all coming together in the love of Christ. For more than 60 years, we have learned to persevere through adversity and we understand the value of breaking bread together--something we do at coffee hours and parish suppers whenever we can. From the communion table to the choir loft, from Sunday School to Children's Chapel, and through the myriad other ways we experience God together, we open this resilient congregation to anyone who seeks community in this beautiful, broken world." --Carrie Sue Casey, Salisbury Resident

Redeemer Episcopal Day School was established in 1990 and now serves ages 2 years old through Grade 6. REDS strives to create a place where students feel welcome and safe while developing a strong sense of self-esteem, positive attitudes toward school and learning, creative and critical thinking, and respect for self and others. We believe in educating the whole child, focusing on the social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and academic traits in order to foster students to become responsible citizens.
At the heart of it, by always showing them that they are loved and respected, we endeavor to make our students the best that they can be inside and outside of the school walls. To learn more about this school, please visit their website or click on the logo.
At a Glance:
• 170 students
• 32 Faculty members
• Wooded Campus
• Commitment to Service
• Close-knit School Community
What Set's Us Apart:
• Small Class Size
• Wellness Education
• Outdoor Learning
• Emphasis on Creative Intelligence
• Large Support Staff
• Contact with Nature
• Located in the heart of Midlothian